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Business mentor and adviser to owners of SMEs, mostly. Contributor to Irish Tech News. Searching for truth in the news.
144 articles written by Billy

here are many approaches to how business problems and challenges can be overcome.

Review the issues with your team, search the web for answers and ideas, buy a book off Amazon, talk to other business owners in your network.

One option is to discuss the issues with an independent business consultant or business mentor. Independence of advice is important, an external perspective adds something different. Objectivity in analysis is critical.

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Generally enterprises are growing across all sectors and industries, and businesses are adapting to changes in technology and the competitive environment.  Strains arising from family relationships gone sour, from business transfer decisions and subsequent disentanglements from the business, and from the lack of detailed succession planning to NextGen – are all evident.

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It is a common challenge for MDs and CEOs of small companies to figure out whether they should have a performance review themselves? All their staff go through the review process, why not them?

In many companies, with or without formal board structures, the MD / CEO there is not a Review of his or her performance. They may ask themselves “who can do my Review as I am the owner, would they be objective, and even “will my sense of self-worth be challenged” – and what happens if I get a poor review?”

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@StartupBallymun is holding a FREE digital business event on the 26th of October in the Civic Centre Ballymun, Dublin.

The objective of the event is to demonstrate the benefits of using a variety of cloud services and applications, which when combined, offer a competitive business model and a platform for future growth.

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