Billy Linehan of Celtar Advisers

Nurturing Success, Guiding Growth, Creating Community Impact

Introduction to Celtar

Billy Linehan, the principal consultant at Celtar Advisers, is a seasoned professional with extensive experience in providing strategic guidance to businesses, charities, and voluntary organizations. With a career spanning London and Dublin, Billy has successfully assisted clients navigate the complexities of strategic planning and organisational reviews.

Tailored strategies

At Celtar Advisers, Billy specialises in crafting tailored strategies that address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by his clients. His approach is collaborative, leveraging his deep industry knowledge and the client’s insights to develop innovative solutions that drive growth and efficiency. Billy’s projects often involve comprehensive strategic reviews, where he meticulously analyses current operations, identifies areas for improvement, and devises actionable plans to enhance performance and achieve long-term goals.

Recent projects include

Cultural and Creativity Study in the Strawberry Beds, Fingal Council/Creative Ireland
Mentoring leaders of community projects
Business Plan for Neighbourhood Centre
Evaluation of a City Farm Business Plan
Advising business owners on Strategy, Planning & Implementation
Advising Startups as mentor/coach, offering industry & subject matter advice,

Strategic mindset

Whether working with a small business, a charity, or a voluntary organization, Billy brings a wealth of experience, a strategic mindset, and a dedication to fostering success in every project he undertakes.


His commitment goes beyond mentoring. Regular training, digital marketing expertise, and staying in touch through planned CPD ensure he remains relevant. As a mentor, his qualities – industry knowledge, business acumen, active listening, and ethical integrity – guide business leaders and managers towards long-term success. Beyond advising, he’s an environmentalist and community member, fostering a personal connection with many clients.

StartUp Ballymun

Billy is co-founder of StartUp Ballymun, an annual event funded by Dublin City Council that serves as a platform for entrepreneurs and start-ups in, providing opportunities for networking, collaboration, and showcasing innovative ideas. The event aims to stimulate entrepreneurship, encourage community engagement, and contribute to the economic development of Ballymun and the greater Dublin region.

Billy Linehan, Small Business Adviser and Consultant at Celtar Advisers, approaches his work with clients as a collaborative journey. The goal is to get things done, move to a better place, gain clarity in objectives and to achieve success. As an adviser he has facilitated positive progress for one thousand managers and small business owners, he has been around for a while! Adaptability and creativity in problem-solving is what he offers.

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