
19 articles tagged as Strategy

Types of Successful Business Transfers Transferring ownership of a business is a complex and nuanced process, whether it’s selling to another company, transferring to a business partner, or passing it on to the next generation within a family owned firm. …

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Global mega trends


In a world undergoing change where there are few certainties, it is useful to anticipate and plan for trends. These trends will affect us as individuals and the types of organisations we work with.

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How to Get Started, Implement and Deliver Results
in a very difficult environment.

I see that change management consultants Eddie Molloy, Ian Kierans and the Advanced Organisation team are holding a new training programme for senior managers in the coming months.

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Commoditisation of legal services

It is worthwhile to reflect on what is happening in other industry sectors, and to review opportunities in your own environment says management consultant Billy Linehan . The legal profession in Ireland has been battered by the recession, even the best of firms have suffered declines in turnover and profits.

A combination of technology and a change . . . .

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   A lesson in response management, not! Recent issues of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal have been particularly rich in their commentaries of heretofore magnificent corporations who have fallen on hard times, American writers have particularly enjoyed …

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  PwC innovation study   This article is a companion piece to the ezine Incite no.66  “Increase margins through the application of creativity and innovation.” Comments are welcome! In 2000, PricewaterhouseCoopers carried out a major study of innovation. They found …

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Follow the Rules of Romance to Market Effectively Ask yourself: What would you do to have a one-night stand with someone?Now ask yourself: What would you do to have a long term relationship? This is an excerpt from a presentation …

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A recent piece by Ken Blanchard and Terry Waghorn in states that we live in a time when three powerful forces – demography, sociology and technology – are creating a perfect storm for accelerated change. It’s a good read …

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