Business advice Dublin Ireland

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39 articles tagged as Business advice Dublin Ireland

Free business advice and information for owner managers in Dublin City – Your Business Day is back!   Dublin City Enterprise Board is delighted to present for the third year, Your Business Day, the major annual event for small businesses …

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This well known analogy is worth reviving and sharing.
Let us imagine that a manager is walking down the hall and that he notices one of his subordinates, Sean Fogarty, coming his way. When the two meet, Sean Fogarty greets the manager with, “Good morning. By the way, we’ve got a problem. You see …. ”

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It will take a while to absorb this integrated list of actions on creating jobs announced today by the Coalition government.
And as a supplier to the county and enterprise boards I am interested in what is going to replace them, and when.

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Celtar are proud to be project managing the second Your Business Day event on Friday, 9th of December 2011 in the Science Gallery, Pearse Street.

” We are delighted to be part of this major initiative from Greg Swift, Liam Barry and the team at DCEB” says Billy Linehan of Celtar, “already seeing the lineup it has been called the small business version of the Dublin Web Summit!”

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How to Get Started, Implement and Deliver Results
in a very difficult environment.

I see that change management consultants Eddie Molloy, Ian Kierans and the Advanced Organisation team are holding a new training programme for senior managers in the coming months.

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It is said that the essence of selling is understanding your customer’s needs, and convincing him or her that you’re the best supplier to meet their requirements.

I’ll add – that to sell you need to be in an optimistic frame of mind, seeing opportunities for the customer and for yourself in each sale.

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It’s been said that if you want to recruit good sales people “hire optimists”. Working with many sales managers over the years, we have debated what makes a “good” sales rep many times.

Here’s a look on the right behaviours for sales people – and the wrong behaviours!

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Probably more British and Northern Ireland based companies access Irish tender opportunities then the other way round. To balance this I offer you information on “” a tender site designed to increase access to public sector tenders in the UK.

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What is it that enables Google to be so innovative? From an interview on with people operations director Liane Hornsey who shares some of Google’s secrets. Google has a European HQ in Dublin, and is one of a cluster …

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