Managment & leadership

14 articles tagged as Managment & leadership

It is a common challenge for MDs and CEOs of small companies to figure out whether they should have a performance review themselves? All their staff go through the review process, why not them?

In many companies, with or without formal board structures, the MD / CEO there is not a Review of his or her performance. They may ask themselves “who can do my Review as I am the owner, would they be objective, and even “will my sense of self-worth be challenged” – and what happens if I get a poor review?”

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There are c. 200,000 family owned businesses in Ireland.

Recently I was contacted with a query on support for family businesses, and it led me to think about the many family owned companies we work with in Celtar. The high proportion of our family business clients is not surprising.

Family owned and managed businesses have their own unique characteristics, a shared history and experience, loyalty and deep commitment.

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This well known analogy is worth reviving and sharing.
Let us imagine that a manager is walking down the hall and that he notices one of his subordinates, Sean Fogarty, coming his way. When the two meet, Sean Fogarty greets the manager with, “Good morning. By the way, we’ve got a problem. You see …. ”

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Global mega trends


In a world undergoing change where there are few certainties, it is useful to anticipate and plan for trends. These trends will affect us as individuals and the types of organisations we work with.

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How to Get Started, Implement and Deliver Results
in a very difficult environment.

I see that change management consultants Eddie Molloy, Ian Kierans and the Advanced Organisation team are holding a new training programme for senior managers in the coming months.

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It’s been said that if you want to recruit good sales people “hire optimists”. Working with many sales managers over the years, we have debated what makes a “good” sales rep many times.

Here’s a look on the right behaviours for sales people – and the wrong behaviours!

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Rewards, ask not what the company can do for me?
A characteristic of motivated companies is how they use remuneration and reward strategies to align the goals of people with those of the company.
At Celtar we observe that in many organisations staff are rewarded for average performance.

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