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January, a busy month for directors,  owner managers and managers of all types of organisations

Without giving too much detail away, we are assisting in

a) Writing a business plan for one client – appears late I know but better to have short plan in January than no plan at all. Many SMEs use their budget as a basic planning tool, do have conversations about targets, agree these with the management team and these are documented in the records of meetings. There is an abhorrence to writing an actual plan, these are hand-on business leaders, ever responsive to customer demands – and that is why these companies are financially successful.

b) A succession planning exercise, framing the change and handover between generations

c) Performance management, clarifying objectives and defining roles and responsibilities – posing  the question for employees  “how will my success be measured?” and laying the foundation for “how will my contribution be recognised?” at the next review. When an organisation is clear about it’s objectives, it gives to a focus to it’s activities. Individual employees can benefit from this focus, and align their outputs (IPIs, individual performance indicators).

Internally we are working slowly on this web blog site, improving content and design.

Thank you for your patience!

